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Weekend highlights

February 28, 2010

*Spending time with my dad, in town from Michigan, and watching these two Prestons interact, half a decade apart in age, and yet so strikingly similar.

*Wrapping up two weeks of ritual Olympic-watching. The TV comes on around here for only two things: presidential debates and the Olympics. And because this Mama doesn’t believe in mindless entertainment, we each had a stack of laundry to fold each night. I tell you, the washing has never been so regular around these parts!

*Trying on all the winter gear my mom has been buying on discount for us up in Michigan. (Lost all the great photos of them bundled up, though!)

*Cleaning out the car and finally discovering the source of that mysterious citrus smell: Jackson’s long-lost lunch box wedged under the seat and sporting the most fantastic moldy orange I have ever seen.

*Calm and quiet (can you believe it?) Sunday afternoon play in the warm and light of the back porch.

*Discovering that when you are in an extra hurry to get children to bed on a Sunday evening, you can fit four boys in the bath at once. Good, clean times.

  1. Loni permalink
    March 1, 2010 8:23 am

    WOW, I absolutely LOVE the picture of Preston and Preston; your dad never gets any older looking. He’s amazing.

  2. jangee permalink
    March 3, 2010 4:49 pm

    I loved the pictures of grandpa……and the boys in the bathtub. It reminds me of when I used to do that with you kids….ha…

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